Blog posts

The Importance of Being Yourself

A while back I was having a chat with another Jack, the husband of my niece, who’s also an actress. I was joking about my (also an actress) wife’s inability to load a dish washer. I cringe a little as I write those words.

Jack said, “Yes Jenny’s the same. But then I think I could be married to someone who’s great at loading dishwashers or I could be married to the amazing wonderful gorgeous Jenny?” I refrained from pointing out that maybe you could be gorgeous and wonderful and also good at loading dishwashers. 

What do most leaders forget when presenting remotely?

THAT ONLY 10% ARE LISTENING. Why? Because the other 90% suspect the presentation will be dull, boring and nothing very surprising or  interesting will happen on the journey. It's all going to be a bit safe.

How to impress your client during a video-call

An ad agency got in touch recently, because they’d just lost a huge client pitch via Teams and wanted win them back.  When they asked the client what had gone wrong, they were told it was because they didn't look like they wanted it. Ironically the opposite was true. They were desperate to impress and as I later discovered, as a team got on really well.

Avoid the Day of the Zoom Zombies!

“Welcome to the terrifying world of the Zoom Zombie… coming to a work place near you. A wall of faces, emotionless, dead eyes, voices of presenters a low drone, endless … slowly sucking the life from all who see them.” 

If this trailer rings true  - and I suspect for the majority of businesses it does, then there is a hideous cost. Here's some stats and they’re scarier than real Zombies.

Podcast with Michael Levitt, Breakfast Leadership Network Show

Interview with Jon Rennie - Deep Leadership Podcast.

Here’s my interview with Jon Rennie  - creator of the hugely popular Deep Leadership Podcast. Huge fun, in which talked about the challenges of Leadership Presentation in the virtual world. Enjoy.

How to lose your client during a video-call

An ad agency got in touch recently, because they’d just lost a huge client pitch via Teams and wanted to win them back.  When they asked the client what had gone wrong, they were told it was because they didn't look like they wanted it. Ironically the opposite was true...

Promo Gray

Quisque ut dolor gravida, placerat libero vel, euismod. Nihil hic munitissimus habendi senatus locus, nihil horum? Hi omnes lingua, institutis, legibus inter se differunt.